Is Facebook News Feed Not Loading properly? How to fix
Facebook is a great service to keep in touch with recent updates, the users miss out on important updates from their loved ones and see more ads on their news feed. Moreover, some users have even reported news feeds not working and updating issues. So, in this article they can easily fix the issue with Facebook news feed.
Solutions to resolve Facebook news feed not issue
Users who are getting problems with Facebook, then they can get possible reasons for the Facebook News Feed not updating issue, there are multiple reasons that lead to this problem, but can fix this issue easily by using some of the solutions discussed in this article.
Week Internet connection
A weak internet connection is a common cause that can lead to news feeds not updating. So, if you want to resolve this problem, it is recommended to connect to a stable internet connection with high speed.
Due to Facebook server down
There are chances that Facebook services might be down at that moment. So, in this way, the user needs to wait until the issue is resolved.
Adjust feed preferences
There are many chances that users might face with Facebook News Feed is not updating when it's working properly. In such way need to set the news feed preferences by using the listed instructions:
Now click on the News Feed button and set preferences for the post.
Further, users can check if their news feed is updated or not.
Update Facebook app
Users might face no loading issue because of the outdated version of the app. So, if the user finds any updates, the user needs to update the Facebook app and check whether the issue is resolved or not.
Clear cache
User can try to fix this issue by clearing the cache of the app with following steps:
Press App manager after launching the settings app.
Tap on Facebook and choose the clear cache option.
After that, the user can check if the user is resolved or not.
Reinstall the app
Also users can try to resolve the not updating issue by reinstalling the app and then verifying if the issue is fixed or not.
Apart from it, if users are failing to resolve Facebook News Feed not loading, then it is easy to reach Facebook help center to get the required help and manage the news feed issue accordingly.
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