How to solve Windows 10 not working problem

Windows 10 is an operating service that is developed by Microsoft Corporation. Many times, we face issues in the window10 that need to be repaired otherwise it creates problems in the device. Some of the ways are given below to fix the issue of Windows 10 keeps restarting after shutdown.

Get issues to fix Windows 10 not working & keeps restarting after shutdown

Scan for the virus: Always check for the virus or any other malware attack on your window 10. This can be one of the reasons for the slowing of the window 10. To solve this problem, you need to have good antivirus in your system that will protect windows 10 from a virus attack.

Disable the heavy performance processes:  Sometimes, the third-party applications make window 10 unresponsive and slow. So, you must disable the heavy processes going on in the system. This may fix your problem.

Update your drivers and software: The out-dated drivers and applications can make the window 10 slow and unresponsive. It is advised to update your drivers from time to time. Check if the issue is solved or not.

Restart your computer:  Restarting the computer can fix the problem of window 10. To fix the problem of window 10, you should restart the device. This is one of the basic ways to fix the problem of window 10. Check if the issue is solved or not.

Perform a clean boot: You should boot the device so that the window 10 can become responsive. It will fix the issues of window 10. Check if the problem is fixed or not.

Install window update: Many times, the window update comes and we ignore it but it should be done soon otherwise the window becomes slow and unresponsive.

Remove temporary files: The slowdown of the window can be because of the temporary files stored in the computer. So, you should remove the files from the system.

These are the steps to fix Windows 10 update problem. If you have any queries, you can easily contact customer service. They are accessible all time in your service. They will provide effective and good solutions to your issues.


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